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When and where was the band founded or What year did it originate?
Eric: The core line up was sealed in 1991. It began to originate in 1990 with few friends at first. I was always jamming with other fellow teenagers I knew, some from school. We would play various types of music from Thrash metal, Punk rock, Industrial metal, Grindcore, Rhythm & Blues and Death metal.

Who is the original band line up?
Eric Ramirez- Guitar
Brandon Davis-Bass guitar/vocals
Phil Holland- Guitar/backup vocals
Colin Ferguson-Drums

Who are the current members and what instruments do they play?
Eric Ramirez -Guitar
Brandon Davis -Bass/vocals
Ivan Limon -Drums

What Genre / Sub-genre would you classify yourselves as?

Eric: Old-school Death metal, mainly 90s era.


How would you describe the music typically created?
Eric: The music originally in 91' we were aiming to be a Thrashed metal band at first, as we progressed, we found ourselves wanting to go with a heavier sound like bands like Death, Napalm Death, Cannibal Corpse & Broken Hope. Once we found our identity we started creating original material.
I usually have riffs to build on. Then we put the guitars, drums and bass to create the foundation of a song. Once we are settled on the arrangement, Brandon will name the song and go back to add lyrics to complete the song.

Do most your lyrics or message line up with the band name?
Brandon-The lyrics are all over the place. Subjects like murder, suicide, rape...we even have a song about killing panda bears. Lol

What cities had the band performed at?
Eric: Las Vegas, NV, Topeka, Kansas, Cord, Arkansas, Cave-in-rock, Illinois, Lawton, Oklahoma, Austin, Houston, San Antonio. Fredericksburg Stephenville, Dallas and Fort Worth Texas.

Which, of all venues, was your most favorite to perform at?
Eric: Full Terror Assault II at Cave-in-Rock, IL.

How do each of you as individuals feel about a / this reunion?
Eric: I'm actually a little nervous for the first time. It’s been a good minute since I played on staged.
Brandon: I'm excited about the reunion. A little nervous. It's been a long time. Should be alot of fun.
Ivan: I think it’s cool  it’s always fun to jam with these guys. We are a good fit, and we have fun just in room jamming to ourselves. So, it’s like putting on my old shoe.

When and how did Ivan Limon join INTERMENT?

Eric: We always had a drummer's curse by having up to at least 5 different drummers since we started. Ivan Limon joined around 2016 and is the current drummer.

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Ivan, can you tell us how you felt or what your thoughts were about joining INTERMENT?
Ivan: I was honored that they even asked me. When I first saw them live, I became an instant of their style of Death metal. I started digging deeper into bands with that sound.

Where can we find original and straight up raw INTERMENT album copies, merchandise, and video footage?
Eric: Funny story, The mighty Glenn Danzig banned my YouTube channel, so I lost a lot of INTERMENT's live performances and videos on the YouTube platform. You can view most INTERMENT videos and live performances on the Facebook page under the video tab.
For merchandise and music purchases Bandcamp in the link below or INTERMENT Facebook page.

If I was new to the band, what proper introduction (album, song, era) would you suggest I start with?
Eric: Full Length Lp "Still Not Dead" is the full body of the band's catalog. Towards 2020, the Ep with Ivan Limon caps off the end of INTERMENT's material with "The Suspense is Killing Me".

What more can we look forward to?
Eric: Hopefully to perform more shows and write some new material.

How much meaning does a reunion mean to all as individuals?
Eric: This reunion means everything to me, this band has been a part of my life’s history and I'm honored and grateful to still have the options to perform for the fans and to play with my bros again.
Brandon: I’m excited and a little nervous.
Ivan: Like I said, it means I get hang with my homies and play music. That's all that matters to me. All the bs comes and goes.

Individually, how would you describe your feelings about the TXDM evolution when looking at so many varieties of styles nowadays?
Eric: Our band has been around since the 90’s with only a handful of us performing Death metal in DFW at that time, to see what it’s grown into, has surpassed my expectations. I’ve seen the scene fizzle out at times but, then it picks back up where it leaves off. I only hope the new TXDM bands continues to keep it brutal.
Brandon: I like to see the progression of extreme metal. There are numerous subgenres nowadays, so there's something for everyone. My heart will always be with the old school though. TXDM!!
Ivan: TXDM is cool, but I don’t really care where you're from as long your jams make my booty shake, that's how I know your music is sick!! Labels are overrated or particular sub genres are overrated. Just play heavy. I'll be a fan of.


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Questions straight from or inspired by fans:

Gabriel McKinley -
A. How did the band’s name come about?
Eric: The band name started when I was in High School with neighborhood friends that I was hanging out with, we kinda just picked a cool name from the dictionary lol, then a classmate drew up the logo.

B. What became of Rick?
Eric: He and his family relocated to Amarillo, Texas. He's currently working at the airport there. Ivan got to see him in person and Rick Salas recently called me on Facebook messenger to catch up.

Kerry Alfred -
C. What did the singer do to warm up the vocals before the show?
Brandon: Gargle with liquid plumber. Lol

Randall Davis -
D. All I want to know is when is the reunion show and what time slot ASPHYXIATION INFECTA will be playing?
Eric: July 27th, headlining on Saturday night. I think we would all love to have ASPHYXIATION INFECTA on the same show with us.

Alex Sanchez -
E. Why are they getting together just for one night show when most metalhead fans dream of full return to the scene?
Eric: In 2020 the band disbanded, and we all went our separate ways. We all stayed in touch, but we had drained ourselves out at that time. This show for July 27 at Reno's wasn't in our plans and we declined at first, but then the idea of performing again started to sound good to the three of us. We'll see what we do moving forward.


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Sha Gallegos -
F. What bands influenced them to get started?
Eric: For me it was Slayer, Sepultura and Death.
Brandon- Bolt Thrower, Broken Hope and Obituary
Ivan: Metallica, Megadeth, Sepultura, Soulfly, Cannibal Corpse and Napalm Death

Brim Manson ll -
G. I want to see a return if not a one-night return! Can we look forward to an ongoing set of performances?
Eric: We'll have to see, we weren't planning on coming back, but here we are lol.

Zona Lavender Lemonade -
“Definitely been with this band since... woah! They were the band we could not miss back in the day. They are also the coolest guys who became good friends”
H. Was part of your decision to reunite brought up because you too miss the bonds between you guys and your fans?
Eric: The three of us have a natural chemistry, it's easy for us to come together and jam. This reunion wasn't planned, but we are here now and looking forward to the future.

Andrew Beckham -
“In my top 5. Miss the greatness.”
I. How emotional was it for you guys knowing fans would be upset about the retirement of INTERMENT?
Eric: It's always heart breaking knowing what we started had come to an end. We are truly blessed to be admired, we figure we owe it to the fans and afterwards we'll see where and what we do after the July 27th.

Lastly but most important, Is there any words of encouragement you would like to say to your fellow musicians stepping into their very first stage and/or your fans?
Eric: For any musicians who are starting out or currently performing, make sure you have good chemistry with your fellow mates and always play for the passion not for the money. For the fans INTERMENT will always be grateful for all the fans that supported us over the years. We love you all !!!
Ivan: Have fun man!!


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My fellow metalheads, let’s continue doing what we know best. Let’s keep those fists up in the air and our metal scene alive.  Let’s lift it up together as one, like that DEATH’s song because we all are all of the same blood like KREATOR stated in “Violent Revolution”. Let’s always remember that we are all bonded by blood and by metal music. Beers up!

Alex Sanchez

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