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A lot has happened since bands like VENOM, HELLHAMMER, BATHORY, SARCOFAGO or CELTIC FROST started in the darkest genre of all: Black metal. Many musicians have taken this heritage and made their own interpretations. Let us see what Eamon Danzig (guitar and backing vocals) of ORODRIM has to say about what black metal means for him: “… To me, black metal has always been about being an auditory rebellion against the status quo. The music itself is invocative of hatred, sadness, and anger in a world that wants you to keep smiling and shopping as nothing fucked up is actually happening around us. I want us to be angry. I want us to be sad. I want to express the underlying feelings of living in a dystopian nightmare that we are all lying to ourselves about and are complicit in maintaining. ORODRIM is the music I hear when I put my ear to the ground and listen to the screaming fear and anger coming from within the earth and its inhabitants. My music is simply an expression of that or in the words of Gaahl, "You don't play black metal unless you are a warrior” …."


ORODRIM has its beginnings in Austin in early 2021, the capital of the state of Texas. It emerged as a studio project but let us go deeper into its beginnings according to Eamon Danzig: “… ORODRIM began as the brainchild and solo project of mine. After the COVID pandemic, I found musicians of the same mind who were interested in learning the music to play live shows. Sam the bassist and I met online. I met Jacob when Jacob was tending bar at one of my local watering holes. And Alex the original drummer was found through the Austin Musicians Wanted Facebook group. It turned out that all of us vibed well as friends…”

Since 2021 ORODRIM has released two Ep's and several singles and everything can be heard on various digital platforms. As we said before, this new project moves within black metal as a base, although the music is improved with the addition of other more melancholic hints. About this and what inspires them on a lyrical level, Eamon Danzig tells us: “… A great deal of my lyrical content is political. A reaction to the climate and poverty crisis created by global capitalism. I also have lyrical content about magic and witchcraft. Some of my lyrics also include themes of pantheism. One of my greatest passions is for environmentalism and environmental education. I have always wanted to use the platform of my art to convey an important message…”

“… Currently we have released two EP's and three singles, Eamon Danzig continues. All of them were released directly online. We also have a limited number of tapes that you can buy from us at our shows. All of the recordings are unique and have their own movements that take you to different places musically. I am currently working on finishing my first full-length album, which should be ready for release by early 2025…”


It is always good to know the musicians' impressions and what they think of the local scene where they have had to perform. Some hate it, others praise it, and it all depends on how much support or feedback they receive and the relationships they have built within it. Eamon Danzig on this occasion refers to his niche in Austin and also comments on what they are doing right now: “… The Austin metal scene is not as big as some others, but it is a tight-knit community of people who all have each other's backs and support one another. It really is pretty cool. Although a lot of the gentrification in Austin is causing many small venues, such as my favorite The Lost Well, to close because deuchbag landlords sell off the properties for profit so developers can come in, knock it down, and turn it into more condos or a Chipotle or some other bullshit that nobody needs or wants. It is really sad how much this city has thrown away artistic and musical talent and space for the sake of turning a fucking buck while trying to maintain an outdated facade of being "weird"…”
“… For now, the singer and I, who are the two core members of the group are splitting, Eamon Danzig reveals. We plan to reunite in the future. But for now ORODRIM will continue as a solo project of my own and I'm sitting on the music for an entire full-length album at the moment. I just need to finish writing all of the lyrics and recording the vocals. It should be ready for release in early 2025…”

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2024 is coming to an end. December is a month to review everything that has happened and to set new goals and finish what could not be achieved. Let us witness what Eamon Danzig has in mind for the future of ORODRIM: “… I have no hope of getting famous or even recognized. Black metal was never about that. It was always meant to be intentionally niche. But I am interested in finding people who enjoy it and who can identify with our message and maybe make them feel a little better or happy that someone has expressed their own feelings in a good way. That is all I really care about…”

“… If you have never met a blast beat or loud tremolo-picked guitar you did not like, if you feel oppressed by the dystopia of our current age, if you need to feel the artistic catharsis of anger and rage against the world you live in, then we are your band. Thanks to all who have supported us thus far, and thanks to all who are now interested in us by reading this. As always, all power to the people…”


Current Members: Eamon Danzig (guitar and backing vocals), Sam Chaney (bass), Jacob Nestor (vocals), and Alex Ferrin (drums).

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My fellow metalheads, let’s continue doing what we know best. Let’s keep those fists up in the air and our metal scene alive.  Let’s lift it up together as one, like that DEATH’s song because we all are all of the same blood like KREATOR stated in “Violent Revolution”. Let’s always remember that we are all bonded by blood and by metal music. Beers up!

Alex Sanchez

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